Liberty vs. The Government Taxocracy

All of the old labels are irrelevant: in the Western world global warming means only the free world against the government taxocracy. Science is no longer the issue.

Weather brings to mind climate. Ok, sounds reasonable. One man’s fair weather can be another man’s fearful climate so it is impossible to separate the two or eliminate reasoned thought and superstition about either.

Our dilemma is that modern government is much like old religeon. Government is proactively engaged in fanning the flames of superstition as a means to asserting greater power over the productive. And, it is doing so by appealing to the fears of the ignorant.

You don’t need a weatherman to understand the politics of climate change.

About Wagathon

Hot World Syndrome—fear of a hotter, more intimidating world than it actually is prompting a desire for more protection than is warranted by any actual threat. A Chance Meeting– We toured south along the Bicentennial Bike Trail in the Summer of 1980, working up appetites covering ~70 miles per day and staying at hiker/biker campgrounds at night along the Oregon/California coast (they were 50¢ a day at that time). The day's ride over, and after setting up tents, hitting the showers, and making a run to a close-by store, it was time to relax. The third in our little bicycle tour group, Tom, was about 30 yards away conversing with another knot of riders and treating himself to an entire cheesecake for dinner. He probably figured Jim and I would joke about what a pig he was eating that whole pie and decided to eat among strangers. Three hours later after sharing stories and remarking on a few coincidences that turned up here and there, Tom and one of the former strangers realized they were cousins, meeting in this most unlikely place for the first time. ~Mac
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