Leftist-Lib Fascism with it’s Soulless Attack on Scientific Skeptics of Global Warmanism and Now- Blatant Anti-Semitism- Betrays Academia’s Attack on Western Democracy and Americanism

With majorities in big blue cities who refuse to buy into capitalism, free enterprise economics and the rationality of the scientific method, who wish to abandon the electoral process and stack the Supreme Court and who refuse to value the preeminence of personal liberty over the tyranny of smash-and-grab big government progressive (‘woke’) policies (i.e., the proponents of multiculturalism as against the culture of Americanism), only wish to remake America in the image of Cuba, Argentina, China, Russia and the insanity of Iran. They only wish to engage in fake news, fake science and point to every problem in the real world and even non-problems like global warming as confirmation of the verity of their Leftist-liberal-loony ideas

The most significant contribution of Leftist-lib tinkering to decarbonize the economy have driven the monetary policies that resulted in driving the cost of capital to zero and then to historically high levels and fiscal policies that have inflated the currency with a greater centralization of federal power, expansion of the entitlement state, crippling of local policing and creating racial division and unleashing of radical religious fundamentalism.

What’s changed since the latest Climate Change Conference, attended by the rich and famous in luxurious locations around the world is the Leftist-libs no longer even bother to hide in the closet their preference for communism and nihilism over the concept of American exceptionalism.

What’s it ‘gonna be- same ole, same ole, or… realize your full potential that only a free enterprise, self-actualizing, self-directed, free enterprise economic philosophy can ever provide to an individual?


(Updated- blue square, 11-3-23)

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Global Warming Alarmism and Determinism vs. the Scientific Method and Free Will

Okay, I said it. Fomenters of Hot World Catastrophe– all brought about by the hand of man– are irredeemable godless heathens of a modern world.

AGW (a belief that modernity is the cause of global warming as a result of liberating CO2 from the Earth’s crust) is Western academia’s stall in the fast lane in an evergoing evanescent war between determinism and free will.

There can never actually be a real debate about behavior being the product of ‘determinism’ as opposed to ‘free will’ because, to be free of superstition about either belief requires more than just work alone. It also requires a self-aware consciousness of either the freedom from retribution for holding unpopular beliefs or the selfless attitude of Jesus to bear the consequences.

Opening a closed mind requires effort and you may be compelled to put out the work that it requires with no reward other than because you are determined to be free of ignorance. That is a difficult choice not an inherited aspiration to bear discomfort. It requires a desire to become aware of the reality that is behind the shadows on the wall of Plato’s cave, despite the discomfort that reality may bring.

Objectivists question the wisdom of evermore government planning and the waste of capital and sacrifice of personal freedom and opportunity on the altar of Leftist socialist ideology. From Obamacare, and Bidenomics to the anti-science of Gorewarming, we are continually treated to the same failed mindset that we must abandon constitutional liberties and rational scientific methodology in favor of unaccountable socialist government bureaucrats because they just know how the rest of us should live.

If reality is not to be simply rejected because it is in conflict with official superstition and ignorance we cannot simple-mindedly follow the political and scientific charlatans like sheep and blame humanity for climate change unless we first are able to reject the null hypothesis of AGW theory– that all global warming is natural.

A simple, undeniable and incontrovertible fact still exists that nothing is happening today and in the last decades that has not happened before. Then as now, ‘Climate Change’ is a real world fact of life that has nothing to do with the hand of man.

There’s a lot we don’t know. Mostly what we do know is that what Western academia feels it knows about Climate Change has proven over and over again to be wrong. We also know that we can’t help but see that fears of a Hot World and global warming alarmism is an invention of and has been politically useful to the Left. AGW is a con job!

Mostly what all reasonable people do know is that weather and by extension the climate can’t be controlled. ‘One day it’s warm next day it’s cold.’

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Here Lies Such Comprehensible Terms as ‘Climate Change’ and ‘Free Government Money’

Civilizations have come and gone as a result of changes in climate, such climate changes having nothing to do with those societies’ impact on it. “Among those were the Puebloan culture of Chaco Canyon, N.M., the ancient Mayan civilization of Mesoamerica, and the Viking settlers of Greenland. Such societies, having achieved great success, imploded when their governing elites failed to adopt new survival mechanisms to face radically changing climate conditions.” (The Nation, Aug. 22, 2023)

Only in the insane minds of Western academics and Heaven’s Gate end-of-world cultists can a Hot World, anti-energy, global warming hysteria, be tortuously made to fit an anti-fossil fuel agenda, forsaking energy, as a rational adaptation to what is nothing more than natural climate change- climate is not man-made. Then as now and ultimate demise, it is a government sanctified church of warminism that stifles creativity that leads to demise and not the will of a free people as that leads to rational adaptation.

In the authoritarian world of ‘Biden’ stonkernomics and free government money, we don’t need no stink’n fossil fuel. In the real world, that’s like the apocryphal words, “let them eat cake,” Queen Marie Antoinette’s suggested solution to a population that was starving during the French revolution because the cost of bread was too high.

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The De Trop Artistry of Climate Change in Academia

It is a tortuous path from ‘him’ and ‘her’ to them, i.e., zie, zim, zir, zis and zieself, no? Sure but not any more tortuous than the Journey from good and bad weather to apocalyptic prophecy of Hot World Catastrophism caused by man and his cursed modernity.

I don’t know any rational, reasonable, logical Western academic who would not agree that weather changes, climate changes and humanity effects the environment in which they live and breed, preach love and war, try to make sense of things and often try to make and destroy things. That is as far as science will take us. Beyond that is what we call… query, quandary, quest, belief, religion and charlatanism, felicity to the sovereignty of science, the rule of the scientific method and celebration of truth.

The truth is, according to the rules of the scientific method, we are unable to distinguish the climate we see now from the climate we know can be totally explained by natural causes because, it has all happened before. All the rest is conjecture, superstition and ignorance or worse- the will to deceive (a knowing hoax).

What we see with belief in a hoax and scare tactic like global warming alarmism (i.e., a Hot World Catastrophe meme or religion), is a celebration of politics over science. It is also a celebration of the mediocrity of society over the individual. It’s the death of silly concepts like willpower and self-overcoming.

Strong opinions, one way or another is really proof that even with artificial intelligence, there is a God. There is no truth without the unconscious acceptance of a morality and ethics that celebrate the re-creation and affirmation of the individual’s life and existence through the acquisition of knowledge and experience and self-discovery.

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A.I. Chatbots Mindlessly Parroting Climate Doomsday Prophecies from Western Academia’s Towers of Babel Will Butter No Parsnips!

What is in store for us after A.I. Chatbots discover Nietzsche or… Wagathon? New Truth or Old Truth or Woke Truth or… the truth?

Western academia’s climate change gestalt is that we must fear a Hot World, sure but much more– we must fear everything! Rather, we should question everything. Even so, some things we need not be so skeptical about like, for example, the value of modernity. But, do question the gestalt and sometimes, truth may shine through like a nugget of gold in a pan of mud.

It’s not so much manpower nor brain-power as it is willpower that is the real force separating the free-thinking individuals from meaningless ciphers in the Left’s propaganda war against Americanism.

It’s all a matter of perspective. What, for example, would ChatGBT write using ‘evilincandescentbulb’ for its database of unbiased, honorable, ethical, scientific, morally and historically defensible knowledge?

For a clue, if ‘hot world freedom’ is typed into this site’s search engine you may be directed to a simple question posed by Wagathon, as follows: Do you believe Western academia in support of the UN and Eurocommunism is engaged in a noble effort to save the world from America and capitalism? Or, does that sound to you more like believing an alien race picked the UK as best place in the universe to announce it’s presence by creating crop circles in wheat fields?

Okay, let’s try, ‘liberty, reason, tyranny.’ I find that a, ‘code of silence,’ says Ken Haapala, ‘infects publicly funded climate science,’ and Wagathon’s unfortunate refrain that Western society has indulged lying for too long and that there is no good end to it… for Westerners. Humanity in general may learn something from it but for now America is no longer the greatest hope for a humanity yearning for personal liberty. So, we begin with a definite loss going forward: painful as it is to see, global respect for the individual’s life, liberty and property is not the consensus opinion of the New Age. As the Left turns the U.S. economy into a house of cards the American culture has become a storage locker of abandoned dreams.

Jonathan Turley questions whether objectivity is a myth. It’s a legitimate question given Western academia’s advocacy role in the global warming alarmism meme and the amount of censorship in the reporting of supposed ‘news’ in favor of advocacy journalism, all apparently based on the Left-wing political narrative of anti-Americanism.

A friendly Heads-Up! Abundance doesn’t come from more people. It comes from more free people. A simple and undeniable reality of human nature, chat this- there is no free lunch. People who acquire money without working for it will spend it more quickly, less wisely and at the end of the day all will have less to show for it.

(Updated, 28Feb23)

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Liberal Goggles and the Left’s Attack on Western Culture vs Climate Catastrophe Skepticism and Freudenfreude of Americanism

There’s no time to think before acting. Now! A complete disregard of the impact on all elements of society is the new imperative– only a grand narrative is of any importance, the individual be damned! Such is the gravamen of liberal fascism.

Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway likened cryptocurrency to a venereal disease that nobody wants except that it’s useful to kidnappers and extortionists. But, it is the new commerce, the economics be damned!

Similarly, the global warming hoax is crypto weather and by extension a Hot World climate forecast that has proven to be useful in a DC/Eurocommie political war on Americanism– just scare tactics… science be damned!

The great AGW ‘evanesco’ hypothesis has been exposed as the new woke! Nothing more than an ever-hotter human-caused global hoax. The ever-vanishing CO2-caused climate catastrophe as foretold by the ever-changing UN-blessed mathematical models of official Climacrats has been exposed as Global Warming Catastrophism. Nothing more than crypto science for the simple-minded, malleable and irrelevant. The real event is that principles of reason have been driven out out of Western academia. Fear of modernity is the new bright star in the sky.

The real story is, all of this is not without consequence. It’s as if the principles of cause and effect are now deemed irrelevant. That the human-caused global warming meme is not an attack on petroleum nor CO2. It is an attack on Western culture in general and in particular, the founding principles of Americanism, of self-overcoming, of transcendence, the future be damned!

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Modernity… Making The World Green Again

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We all know what Western academia has been pushing for a while but look who’s buying now — children, gluing themselves to famous paintings of old masters. This is just one manifestation of what we call, Global Warming Syndrome. It’s rather telling too in exposing the true natures of Hot World fabulists, i.e., their need to attack creators of value.

‘Global Warming’ (GW) is an invention of Western academia. AGW began as the simple hypothesis that we anthropoi (the “A” in “AGW”) are raising temperatures around the globe by releasing our CO₂ into the atmosphere.

Despite spending and essentially wasting billions of dollars in grant money to Academia, the AGW hypothesis has yet to be scientifically proven. Any serious scientific skeptic easily sees that nothing is happening now that is any different than what has happened in the past and in some instances, not so long ago but in all events, long before the modern age. Politically however, DC/Eurocommies have nevertheless used their ‘climate change’ hoax to beat up on Americanism in the UN and at state elections back home.

How about the benefits of modernity? To the many benefits we could mention and would fight like Greeks to avoid giving up we should add, Making the World Green Again! We can see that from space.

Moreover, no one need feel guilty about greening the globe. At least, not any scientist with an appreciation for the scientific method. “I have always had a strong belief in the scientific method that I was taught,” says Adam Riess. “[Y]ou do an experiment to test a hypothesis and if the data doesn’t fit (and you can confirm the data), you must revise the hypothesis. This is what makes science different and more capable of explaining the natural world than religion or politics where you hold to your beliefs.”

The simple fact of the matter is, the AGW hypothesis fails the scientific method because the null hypothesis, that all global warming can be explained by natural causes, cannot be rejected. AGW is an emotional trope designed for mind control and manipulation. That’s the science. Everything else is what we call, superstition, ignorance, faith (religion), politics, quackery, fraud, misconceptions, maliciousness, tomfoolery, jingle-jangle fallacies, art or perhaps, just nuts.

Clay Stone (City Slickers, 1991) wouldn’t need a PhD to know that, scientifically speaking, the AGW hypothesis, no matter how much you want to believe it, is as ‘worthless as hen sh*t on a pump handle.’ It could however make wealthy and hypocritical feckless malcontents fly a private jet to France for a visit to the Musee du Louvre and glue their hands to the Mona Lisa.

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Epic Failure on the Altar of Leftist Climate Dysphoria

Not surprisingly, the fabrication of GCMs (General Circulation Models– the numerical models used by UN-approved global warming charlatans and climate change hoaxsters to simulate the laws of nature, the universe and everything to realize an ersatz digital reality they find useful to exaggerate the effects of CO2 on temperatures) to scare children, to stampede the superstitious and ignorant and to feather the nests of Leftist Western Academics in ivory towers who then spin prophecies of an impending Hot World catastrophe out of anti-science and hate-America babel, is not a productive activity in any economic sense. The global warming hysteria-Tower of Babel is useful only to help Leftists push their DC/Eurocommie political agenda.

If not for George Bush, America would have had Biden’s economy in 2000 instead of ’22. It was close then but American voters were just smart enough (with the help of the founders who gave birth to the electoral system) to kick a self-hating, climate-dysphoric Al Gore and all the Democommies to the curb.

Leftist climate change fearmongering is now on the ballot again but now faces the inconvenient fact that we taxpayers have come to understand we’ve all been lied to. It takes a lot of low cost fossil fuel to make the batteries required to store so-called ‘green energy.’ Without cheap Russian oil, Eurocommunism’s anti-America Green Utopia has hit the wall.

(Updated, 25Oct22)

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Another Human-Caused Disaster: Public Funded Education is Corrupt

Biden, Newsom and all the DC/Cali-Democommies’ climate policies are promoting the opposite of unity and prosperity. The time has come for voters to acknowledge failure!

All considered, a Leftist Western academia has been complicit in causing a human-caused crisis by promoting the human-caused Global Warming (AGW) hoax. The phony science and fake news underlie the scare tactics of imminent climate disaster that socialist politicians and bureaucrats find useful in promoting an ever bigger, ever more authoritarian Federal government machine in service of a Leftist takeover of the free enterprise economy.

What can we expect if we continue to pay Western academics to argue for bigger and more powerful socialist government? Bigger government is more corrupt and dictatorial. Lenin’s communism that inspired Stalin, Mao, Castro, Eurocommunism and now, the DC/Democommies always ends in mass killings.

Climate change research has been plagued since the days of hysterical fears of imminent cooling in the 1970s. The problem then as well as now is that, ‘any belief system that purports to tell the future,’ says William Grey, ‘is most likely pathological.’

Western climate science has become a pathological religion that scientific skeptics believe should be taken with the seriousness that many outside Western academia compare to the science of ancient astrology. The Left has waged a war on Americanism and US energy self-sufficiency, all in the name of AGW and all to the delight of China, Russia, Iran Saudi Arabia, Argentina and all the other undemocratic and tyrannical regimes that comprise the UN.

Now here’s the real scandal of the near trillion dollars that governments have stolen from taxpayers to fund climate change hysteria and research. By the industry’s own admission there has been almost no progress worldwide in actually combatting climate change. The latest reports by the U.S. government and the United Nations say the problem is getting worse not better and we have not delayed the apocalypse by a single day. ~Stephen Moore, ‘Follow the (Climate Change) Money’

Forget about its hatred of Americanism for a minute and consider… Western academia can no longer escape prime responsibility if it should turn out in the end that doing something in the name of mitigation of global warming is the costliest scientific mistake ever visited upon all humanity.

Acknowledging historical facts cannot be controversial. The existence of previous hot and cold periods like the MWP (Medieval Warm Period) and the LIA (Little Ice Age) are facts but the reality of their existence has been clouded by climate researchers to better serve political purposes. How is acknowledging instead of hiding historical facts helpful to science? When honor and integrity can no longer be taken as foundational principles, all scientific research becomes meaningless.

The scientific method depends on honesty. Politics is different–there is no honesty in politics and that is why the politicization of science is the death of science. ‘Let’s come right out and say it,’ says Joseph Sternberg (WSJ), ‘Anyone who still thinks climate change is a greater threat than climate policy to financial stability deserves to be exiled to a peat-burning yurt in the wilderness.’

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Global Warming Alarmism Skeptics Were Right On…

Should a Hot World be the leading fear on humanity’s list of concerns going forward toward the year 2100? “It’s like asking whether removing that ‘Go Bears’ flag from your radio antenna will improve your gas mileage and lower your overall expenses. Well, yes, maybe, but it’s hardly first on the list.” ~John Cochrane (the grumpy economist)

~image by, Bjorn Lomborg

It is easy to Google that in China, ‘More than 1,000 coal plants are in operation, almost 240 planned or already under construction.’ Moreover, the hypocrisy of DC/Democommie energy policy is palpable as US energy producers are throttled but despots, religious fanatics and autocrats in Russia and Iran to Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela are begged to pump more oil and are then flooded with cash at heady market rates. But, the public may be catching on to the insanity of the Hot World religion and politics that the fake news MSM, the half-baked educational industrial complex and Leftist blue state politicians have been dishing out since the ’90s.

The writing is literally on the wall.

Great minds of woke academia in its religious zeal to save the planet from America with its emphasis on individual liberty, self-actualization, personal responsibility and capitalism prefer to continue addressing non-problems and deceiving the public about an impending Hot World climate doomsday if America outproduces its anti-democratic, anti-western competitors.

Global socio-political and moral corruption of, e.g., Bush/Trump/SCOTUS derangement syndrome, unleashing a pandemic upon the world and the indiscriminate bombing of the civilian population of Ukraine are far more injurious to life, liberty and property than American oil and energy independence from the jack boot tyranny of the DC/Eurocommies and authoritarian regimes.

Updated 29JUN22

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Global Warming Sounds… ‘Woke’!

Truth Matters

The ideal economic plan starts with not following the lead of Eurocommies – their anti-free Enterprise/anti-Americanism and disregard for the scientific method for politically motivated purposes has not worked out well for them in the real world, e.g., their dependence on the petrochemicals of authoritarians in Russia, Iran, Venezuela and the M.E. with their facilitators in China. Humanity cannot live on DC/Socialist-Democrat/communist platitudes alone.

Mathematical models that can never be verified, predicting (forecasting or projecting) a Hot World Armageddon will never change the simple reality that global warming alarmism is nothing more than a DC/Eurocommie con job facilitated by a fake news biased sociopolitical mainstream media and liberal Western academia that is fascist to the core.

It’s time to do what works. Peace through energy independence is what works in the real world.

All other things being equal, everyone would prefer clean over dirty energy.  However, all other things are not equal. We need secure, reliable, and economic energy systems for all countries in the world. This includes Africa, which is currently lacking grid electricity in many countries. We need a 21st century infrastructure for our electricity and transportation systems, to support continued and growing prosperity. The urgency of rushing to implement 20th century renewable technologies risks wasting resources on an inadequate energy infrastructure, increasing our vulnerability to weather and climate extremes and harming our environment in new ways. ~Judith Curry

The earth has been warming over the last century and overall it has been cooling over the last 10,000 years. It’s cooler now than it was in the time of the Romans and also cooler than it was in the time of the Minoans. Weather can be a wicked mess but not climate – climate, by definition, occurs over a 30-year period so rational adaptation is expected if we actually knew enough to know something bad was really coming. That would solve the problem that any change in climate might bring. The big reason it’s hard to actually ‘know’ anything about future climate and believe we should change it even if we could is that global warming brings benefits and has been a positive for humanity, irrespective of what we may or may not do.

The one thing we do know for sure is that it makes no sense to sacrifice our personal freedom, individual liberties and right to self-actualization and determination on an altar of failed liberal/leftist ‘woke’ ideology that is founded on superstition and ignorance of the same old anti-America, contra-cultural demonizers of Judeo/Christian morals and ethics and personal accountability.

Revised, 22Apr22)

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Tulip Mania Faux Economics, Crypto Hot World Alarmism, Bizarre Anti-America Alternative Realities and Fake News

Reflections of Reality

Miners of calamity are always looking for data to reinforce their apocalyptic projections. Everyday, we wonder what the next Big Lie! will be. Off we go, from using the Russia meme to hijack a presidential election, all paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and hung around Trump’s neck for 4 years, to the next lie-upon-lie-upon-lie about a looming global warming catastrophe.

The more expensive energy becomes the more poverty there will be. It’s a predictable outcome. ‘Simply put… it is difficult if not impossible to dramatically reduce CO₂ emission growth without also reducing economic growth.‘ ~Bjorn Lomborg

The DC-Eurocommies of the Left are using our tax and debt dollars and the power of government to sow the seeds of poverty, racism an anti-Americanism around the globe. Its like nuking Africa to eliminate Ebola.

Scientific opinion has become a weapon in the hands of Western academia to produce computer-generated reflections of reality that better serve the political and ideologically motivated Leftist agenda. Officially-blessed experts look only for plausible-appearing explanations as to why we all must invest our life’s energy in service to a dictatorial state authority.

Politicization of science redefines reality to better serve the interests of the Lefts’ propaganda machine. The ‘message’ is that the global warming alarmists of government must be empowered to substitute their will for the will of the people, even if it means coming up with new theories to explain the absence of global warming despite increasing atmospheric CO2 levels.

Rather than a Hot World growing ever-hotter, the crushing of individual liberty and a runaway big government Eurocommie economy is the real threat. More than predictable, we’ve seen that approach fail in our lifetime– socialism has been tried and failed enough times that it has a record and we know what to expect. That is an outcome that we can predict! “Socialist governments,” as Margaret Thatcher warned, “traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people’s money. It’s quite a characteristic of them.”

We now have a government grown too large to fail that dreams daily of telling us what we can and cannot have or do based on the priorities of government bureaucrats. After spending the earnings of others, they simply run the printing presses until the ink runs out, cryptonizing the currency based on bigger-fools, tulip-value economics, as the Left’s Tower of Babel comes tumbling down. Cryptocurrency is just a symptom of the DC-Eurocommie’s zero value-added progressive-economic dysfunction amounting to a legal Ponzi game that turns investors into pinball wizards. The stock market has become an ode to the rock opera, Tommy–

“How do u think he does…?” I don’t know?
What makes him so good?”
The Who

According to our modern-day school teachers, humanity has been declared guilty until proven innocent. It is time to stop looking for warming and start educating the public on the need for more not less energy but, those who live off of government taxes have a vested interest in keeping the climate change charade alive. We’re paying for opinions that are not worth the money. The problem now is that, offering nothing of value that anyone is voluntarily willing to pay for, the Left is now just taking what it wants.

Leftist climate-fixing by taxing evil CO2, based on phony models that can never be verified, fake news that is never held accountable, feckless speculations, self-serving suppositions, far-fetched inferences and officially blessed guess work, dodgy statistics and corrupted data, is the only business that DC-Eurocommies ever care to engage in. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus! All we can do is hang onto our individual liberties for as long as possible until the next election and hope that nature itself will continue to prove that climate-obsessed Democrat-Socialist fear mongers for political office cannot control the weather.

What is predictable according to Philip Stott is, “that climate itself increasingly fails to fall compliantly into line with the virtual world of the climate modelers. This will severely undermine the whole credibility of the Grand Narrative with the public.” Additionally, Stott concludes, “attempts to scare the world sick, certain of the scientific claims… are even concerning some of the more serious scientists involved… [and] are so far fetched that they are just bringing down ridicule onto the basic science involved.”

(Updated, 8Nov21)

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